AI Rolling

This is assuming you need to restore from a backup and then roll in the necessary AI files.

  1. First you'll need to interrogate the SKYWARD.lg file of the database
    • You're looking for the log entry of the backup that you restored from.
    • It should say which AI file number was last marked as committed.
  2. Go to the /skyward/archive folder and grab a directory listing of all the AI files for the affected database
    • You'll notice that each file will have an incremental number. You're looking for the number that you found in the SKYWARD.lg file from step 1
  3. You'll need a list of the AI filenames for that database that were created AFTER that one AI file that was referenced in the SKYWARD.lg file
    • Example, if the last committed AI file was #4567 you will want the files numbered #4568 and beyond.
  4. Navigate to the database folder where the backup was restored to
  5. Disable AI Archiving
    rfutil SKYWARD -C aiarchiver disable
  1. For each of the AI files, you will need to run this command
   rfutil SKYWARD -C roll forward -a /skyward/archive/%AI_FILENAME%
  1. If the first one fails, you may need to grab an AI file that was created previous to the first one in your list. It's a hit or miss thing.
    • The process of rolling in an AI file takes less than 4 seconds.
  2. After AI files are rolled in, turn on AI Archiving again
  1. Now start the database.