Index Rebuild User Guide
What is an index build?
An index build will only do good for a database. An index build rebuilds indexes from scratch off the key fields then reactivates them. An index build will repair broken indexes in the database, activate deactivated indexes, and compress blocks to minimize space usage. The process will not repair corruption in the database.
Why should you perform an index build?
An index build can increase performance. Over time, the indexes can become fragmented; much like a hard drive can become fragmented over time as programs are added, modified and unloaded.
How often should you perform an index build?
Skyward recommends you perform an index build once per year unless symptoms warrant it sooner. The database must be offline and if after imaging has been enabled, it must be disabled prior to running the index build command.
Does an index build replace a Tune up Service?
An index build does not replace the periodic need or recommendation of a tune up service. The tune up service however only needs to be requested every 3-5 years if the index build process is performed yearly. The major process of a tune up service is a complete dump and load of the database. This process will defrag the actual data in the data extents.
What do you do if the index build process reports errors?
If errors are reported when the index build process is run you should contact Skyward IT Services at 1.800.236.0001. Depending on the errors will we know in what direction to go to resolve them. Therefore it is important to have a complete full backup of the database prior to running the index build command.
SMS 2.0
Index Rebuild User Guide
Backup the SMS 2.0 database
You may want to look to see that there is enough hard drive space to create a backup file. Skyward recommends that a current backup is performed prior to running the index build process.
To view the size of last night’s backup file, you can navigate to the ?:\skyward\backup folder to find the skyback for student and skybackfin for Business backup file(s).
Create a current Windows Backup
During installation, Skyward will place a shortcut on the server’s desktop (WIN), to run the backup batch file.
If the shortcut is removed or missing from the Desktop of the server, the backup process can be run by either one of the following options.
1. Navigate to the SKYWARD/BACKUP folder and locate a file named dbscan.bat. Double click dbscan.bat and a new backup file will be created and will, if setup, send an email notification of success or failure.
2. Open Windows Task Scheduler and locate the Online Nightly Backup task, right click on the task and choose Run Now. This will create a current backup file and will, if setup, send an email notification of success or failure.
The backup file will be located in the ?:\skyward\backup folder.
SMS 2.0
Index Rebuild User Guide
Stop the Database
Using OpenEdge Explorer
1. Start Open Edge Explorer > + by ‘ServerName; > + by OpenEdge > + by AppServers > Click on Production AppServer name > Click Broker Control in right frame > Choose Stop AppServer button > Repeat for each Production AppServer Ex. Asxxx, asxxxMon, asxxxRAS, asxxxRpt, asxxxExComm 2. + by WebSpeed > Click on Production WebSpeed name > Click Broker Control in right frame > Choose Stop WebSpeed button > Repeat for each Production WebSpeed Ex. wsEAplus, wsFin, wsSky 3. + by Database > Click on Production Database name > Click Control in right frame > Choose Stop Database button. Ex. Skyward for Student/Combined, Skyfin for Business
Using Monolith
Monolith has a new option to stop the database and all brokers with one click. 1. Start Monolith > Choose Control Center > Choose DAS server where Database resides > Choose Configure ‘DAS server’ Databases button > Click ‘Database Name’ > Choose Action menu from top of page > Choose Stop ‘database name’ and All Brokers > Confirm Stop, Choose Yes.
Stop Windows Services
1. Start Windows Services > Stop any Services associated with the Production database 2. Look for CAS, DAS, Report Queue, SkyRAS or SkyExComm services for the database. i.e. SkyxxxDASv2, SkyxxxCASv2, SkyxxxRptQ, SkyxxxRAS or SkyxxxExComm
SMS 2.0
Index Rebuild User Guide
Disable After Imaging
Verify if After Imaging is setup
1. On the Skyward database server, navigate to the database folder, ex. ?:\skyward\data for Student or ?:\skyward\data\skyfin for Business > Do files exist named Skyward.a1 – Skyward.a5 and have current time and date stamp? 2. If the .a files exist, go to Start ProEnv Prompt sub-section. 3. If the .a files do NOT exist, go to the Run index build command section.
Start ProEnv Prompt
1. Click Start > Programs > Progress > ProEnv > Type prompt and Press Enter 2. Change to the database folder location. 3. Student: cd\?:\skyward\data or Finance: cd\?:\skyward\data\skyfin > Enter 4. Do not close the Proenv window.
To disable after imaging and the archiver
1. With the prompt now in the data folder > ex.?:\skyward\data or ?:\skyward\data\skyfin 2. Turn off the After Image process > Type rfutil SKYWARD –C aimage end > Enter 3. It is ok if you get a message that After-image is not enabled, this is to verify it is not started. 4. Do not close the Proenv window.
Run index build command
1. With the prompt at the data folder > ex.?:\skyward\data or ?:\skyward\data\skyfin 2. Type proutil SKYWARD -C idxbuild ALL -TB 31 -TM 64 > Enter 3. The process will run till complete. There will be sort files created in the folder as needed.
Note: When complete, if the index rebuild indicates an error, contact Skyward.
SMS 2.0
Index Rebuild User Guide
Setup After Imaging
1. With the prompt at the data folder > ex.?:\skyward\data or ?:\skyward\data\skyfin 2. Type startai.bat to run a series of commands to setup for AI and AutoArchive.
Start database
Using Open Edge Explorer
1. Start Open Edge Explorer > + by ‘ServerName; > + by OpenEdge > + by Database > Click on Production Database name > Click Control in right frame > Choose Start Database button. 2. + by AppServers > Click on Production AppServer name > Click Broker Control in right frame > Choose Start AppServer button > Repeat for each Production AppServer. Ex. Asxxx, asxxxMon, asxxxRAS, asxxxRpt, asxxxExComm 3. + by WebSpeed > Click on Production WebSpeed name > Click Broker Control in right frame > Choose Start WebSpeed button > Repeat for each Production WebSpeed. Ex. wsEAplus, wsFin, wsSky
Using Monolith
Monolith has a new option to start the database and all brokers with one click. 1. Start Monolith > Choose Control Center > Choose DAS server where Database resides > Choose Configure ‘DAS server’ Databases button > Click ‘Database Name’ > Choose Action menu from top of page > Choose Start ‘database name’ and All Brokers. > There will be displays once the database is online.
Start Windows Services
1. Start Services > Start any Services associated with the Production database 2. Look for CAS, DAS, Report Queue, or SkyRAS services for the database. i.e. SkyxxxDASv2, SkyxxxCASv2, SkyxxxRptQ, SkyxxxRAS or SkyxxxExComm