Refresh Training Database - on Windows All-in-One
Refreshing Columbia Training Database
Columbia is a Windows All-In-One Server, backups reside on the training server for Columbia (\\Sky-coltrm01\d$\backups\fin\db)
Example: Using ColumbiaFin in this Example
The backup file will already be on the All-in-one server D:\backups\stu\db or D:\backups\fin\db (depending on the database to be refreshed).
- RDP Session to Sky-ColTrm01
- Stop Database and all Brokers using Monolith
- Click on Proenv (shortcut on desktop)
- Type Prompt <Enter>
- CD D:\skyward\data\skyfin
- prorest SKYWARD D:\backups\fin\db\filename -verbose (replace location and filename with actual PATH and NAME of backup file)
- proutil SKYWARD -C truncate bi -bi 16384 -biblocksize=16384
- proutil SKYWARD -C bigrow 15
- rfutil SKYWARD -C aiarchiver disable
- Start Database and all brokers using Monolith
- Await popup stating completion
If Production and Training are not at same Software Level you will need to Update Software
- You will be prompted for "Not all Database are at same level - Fix" Click yes. When finished Close window
- Close all Monolith windows
- Open Browser on Sky-ColTrM01
- Go to
- Select Columbia and Business Training (that you just refreshed)
- Hit Launch Application
- You should see "Columbia Business System"
- Ensure you are NOT on the URL (Training should be:
- Log into the skyward software. (Using NRICDBA Userid)
- Click on Product Setup tab at top
- Click on Skyward Contact Access
- Under Tools Section
- Click on Fix Programs
- Click Apply Filter if you are prompted to
- Select Configuration Export
- Click Run
- Click Browse
- Navigate to D:\Skyward\Backup\Config
- Select ColumbiaFinTrnJun.xml (Format Student:XXXXStuTrainYYY.XML Business: XXXXFinYYY.XML) XXXX=District, YYY=Rel
- Click big Import Settings button
- After import, close import window
- Hit back button
- Now back at the main skyward screen (Product Setup tab)
- Click on System Administration
- Click on District Print Queue
- Click on Scheduled Tasks
- Click Apply Filter if you are prompted to
- Click on Pause All Scheduled Tasks
- Now back at the main Skyward screen (Product Setup tab) (Home)
- Click on System Administration
- Click on Distrcit Print Queue
- Click on View District Print Queue
- If Queued or Running has reports (> 0) then delete Running or Queued. (Left from Prod)
- Click on Skyward Contact Access
- Click on System Administration
- Click on Distrcit Print Queue
- Choose "Monitoring Tasks"
- Click on Pause All Monitoring Tasks
- Click the arrow next to Skyward's Home button
- If this were FSDB, you would need to disable the Family Access settings.
- Log out of skyward
- Refresh the skyward login screen to ensure it changes to Columbia Business Training
- Close associated tickets (if any) about the subject
- Email the original requester that it is done