Refresh Training Database - on Windows All-in-One

Refreshing Columbia Training Database

Columbia is a Windows All-In-One Server, backups reside on the training server for Columbia (\\Sky-coltrm01\d$\backups\fin\db)

Example: Using ColumbiaFin in this Example

The backup file will already be on the All-in-one server D:\backups\stu\db or D:\backups\fin\db (depending on the database to be refreshed).

  1. RDP Session to Sky-ColTrm01
    1. Stop Database and all Brokers using Monolith
    2. Click on Proenv (shortcut on desktop)
    3. Type Prompt <Enter>
    4. CD D:\skyward\data\skyfin
    5. prorest SKYWARD D:\backups\fin\db\filename -verbose (replace location and filename with actual PATH and NAME of backup file)
    6. proutil SKYWARD -C truncate bi -bi 16384 -biblocksize=16384
    7. proutil SKYWARD -C bigrow 15
    8. rfutil SKYWARD -C aiarchiver disable
    9. Start Database and all brokers using Monolith
    10. Await popup stating completion
    11. If Production and Training are not at same Software Level you will need to Update Software
      • You will be prompted for "Not all Database are at same level - Fix" Click yes. When finished Close window
    12. Close all Monolith windows
  2. Open Browser on Sky-ColTrM01
    1. Go to
    2. Select Columbia and Business Training (that you just refreshed)
    3. Hit Launch Application
    4. You should see "Columbia Business System"
    5. Log into the skyward software. (Using NRICDBA Userid)
    6. Click on Product Setup tab at top
    7. Click on Skyward Contact Access
    8. Under Tools Section
    9. Click on Fix Programs
    10. Click Apply Filter if you are prompted to
    11. Select Configuration Export
    12. Click Run
    13. Click Browse
    14. Navigate to D:\Skyward\Backup\Config
    15. Select ColumbiaFinTrnJun.xml (Format Student:XXXXStuTrainYYY.XML Business: XXXXFinYYY.XML) XXXX=District, YYY=Rel
    16. Click big Import Settings button
    17. After import, close import window
    18. Hit back button
    19. Now back at the main skyward screen (Product Setup tab)
    20. Click on System Administration
    21. Click on District Print Queue
    22. Click on Scheduled Tasks
    23. Click Apply Filter if you are prompted to
    24. Click on Pause All Scheduled Tasks
    25. Now back at the main Skyward screen (Product Setup tab) (Home)
    26. Click on System Administration
    27. Click on Distrcit Print Queue
    28. Click on View District Print Queue
    29. If Queued or Running has reports (> 0) then delete Running or Queued. (Left from Prod)
    30. Click on Skyward Contact Access
    31. Click on System Administration
    32. Click on Distrcit Print Queue
    33. Choose "Monitoring Tasks"
    34. Click on Pause All Monitoring Tasks
    35. Click the arrow next to Skyward's Home button
    36. If this were FSDB, you would need to disable the Family Access settings.
    37. Log out of skyward
    38. Refresh the skyward login screen to ensure it changes to Columbia Business Training
    39. Close associated tickets (if any) about the subject
    40. Email the original requester that it is done